
A colonoscopy is a procedure that enables a medical professional to look inside the rectum and colon (large intestine). Usually, it is done to look for anomalies like polyps (abnormal growths), cancer, or other conditions that could result in symptoms like stomach pain, rectal bleeding, or changes in bowel habits.

A colonoscope, a small, flexible tube with a camera on the end, is introduced into the rectum and progresses across the colon’s length during the process. The camera enables the medical professional to see on a monitor the colon and rectum interiors.


A summary of the process is provided here:

Preparation: You must get ready for the treatment by adhering to a particular diet and taking medicine to clean your colon. This is done to make sure the interior of your colon is clean so the doctor can do the treatment with a clear view. You will also need to make arrangements for someone to drive you home following the treatment because the anaesthesia will prevent you from doing so.

Sedation: You will receive conscious sedation during the procedure, which means that you will be awake but relaxed and won’t be able to feel any pain. Usually, an IV in your arm is used to deliver the sedative.

Method: The actual colonoscopy normally lasts 30 to 60 minutes. A colonoscope, which is a little, flexible tube with a camera on the end, will be inserted into your rectum and advanced along the length of your colon by the medical professional. The camera enables the medical professional to see on a monitor the interior of your colon and rectum. Any abnormalities that are discovered by the healthcare professional, such as polyps or suspicious spots, may be removed, or a biopsy (a small sample of tissue) may be taken for additional testing.

Recovery: You might need to rest for a few hours after the treatment until the sedative’s effects subside. As your body expels the air that was used to inflate your colon during the treatment, you can also experience some gas or bloating.

It’s crucial to adhere to your healthcare provider’s advice for how to take care of yourself after the treatment. For a while, you might be told to refrain from doing things like driving. Additionally, recommendations on when to restart your regular food and medication regimen may be offered.


A healthcare professional may advise a colonoscopy due to a number of conditions. These may consist of:



Colon cancer screening: The American Cancer Society advises starting colon cancer screening at age 45 for people with an average risk of developing the disease. The most reliable screening method for colon cancer is a colonoscopy, which can help find the disease early when it is most curable.

Abnormal test findings: Your doctor may advise a colonoscopy to further explore if you’ve had other tests, such as a faecal occult blood test (FOBT) or a sigmoidoscopy, that produced abnormal results.

Symptoms: Your doctor may advise a colonoscopy to identify the cause if you experience symptoms including abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, or changes in bowel habits. If you have a family history of colon cancer, your doctor may advise you to have a colonoscopy sooner or more frequently than is typical for the general population.

Inflammatory bowel disease: Your doctor may advise a colonoscopy if you have IBD, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, in order to track the condition’s development and look for problems.

Polyps: If you’ve ever experienced polyps (abnormal growths) in your colon or rectum, your doctor may advise getting a colonoscopy to check for any new polyps or to monitor any that are already present.

It’s crucial to remember that these are merely a few of the ailments that could prompt a medical professional to advise a colonoscopy. It is recommended that you talk to your healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns about whether you might require a colonoscopy.