Food Science and Nutrition

A food science and human nutrition department in a hospital is a specialized unit within the hospital that focuses on the function of food and nutrition in healthcare. Food science and human nutritionists, who are experts in the scientific underpinnings of food and nutrition and how to apply them to human health, often work in this field.

A hospital’s food science and human nutrition department’s major goal is to make sure patients get enough food to support their health and recovery. In addition to administering the hospital’s food service business, this may entail offering nutrition assessments, counselling, and specialist medical nutrition therapy to patients with certain medical conditions.


What you get..

  • Nutritional evaluation: A food scientist and human nutritionist can evaluate a patient’s nutritional state and spot any difficulties that need to be resolved in terms of nutrition. This could entail gathering data on the patient’s dietary habits, physical characteristics (such weight and height), and laboratory tests.
  • Nutritional counselling: To assist patients in selecting nutritious foods and meeting their nutritional needs, a food scientist and human nutritionist can offer tailored nutrition advice. This could entail establishing customized meal plans, educating people about healthy eating practises, and, if necessary, recommending supplements.
  • Medical nutrition therapy: Patients with particular medical disorders that call for a special diet might receive specialist nutrition therapy from a food scientist and human nutritionist. Patients with illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease, or gastrointestinal issues may fall under this category.
  • Enteral and parenteral nutrition: Patients who are unable to take enough nutrients orally may get enteral and parenteral nutrition from a food scientist or human nutritionist. Parenteral feeding includes injecting nutrients directly into the bloodstream, whereas enteral nutrition involves delivering nutrients through a tube inserted in the stomach or small intestine.
  • Research: To develop knowledge of these problems and enhance patient care, a hospital’s food science and human nutrition department may carry out research on matters pertaining to food and nutrition.

When should you see us?

  • If you suffer from a certain medical condition: A food science and human nutritionist can help you understand what you should and shouldn’t eat and can offer advice on how to meet your nutritional demands if you have a medical condition that calls for a special diet or is affected by your nutrition

  • If you are recovering from surgery or a significant illness: Your body may require additional nutrients to aid in recovery after a serious illness or surgery. You may plan meals and snacks that will provide your body the nutrients it needs to heal and grow strength with the aid of a food scientist and human nutritionist.

  • If you are expecting or nursing: It’s critical to make sure you are getting enough nutrients to support both your health and the health of your unborn child because pregnancy and nursing can put additional demands on your body. What to eat and drink at these times can be advised by a food scientist and human nutritionist.

  • If you have received advice from a medical expert: It’s crucial to heed the advice of your healthcare practitioner if they advise you to consult a food science and human nutritionist. They might have discovered a particular nutrition-related problem that must be resolved in order to enhance your health.